Which wall clocks should you choose to decorate your home?
Even the clock is a piece of furniture that can give a touch of originality to our homes. In the hectic life of every day, an object that allows us to mark the time is undoubtedly essential.
Which wall clocks should you choose to decorate your home?
Even the clock is a piece of furniture that can give a touch of originality to our homes. In the hectic life of every day, an object that allows us to mark the time is undoubtedly essential and you can find the perfect solution for you among our wide choice!
Why choose a wall clock Firmiana.
It is undeniable that there are now many digital tools useful for measuring time, but traditional wall clocks remain the most suitable instrument.
At a glance, they are excellent furnishings, modern, elegant and particular, square, rectangular or round. These are clocks with original shapes and a refined design, at a truly incredible price!
Here's how to choose the perfect clock for your needs.
First of all you should consider the style of furniture to choose a wall clock that best suits your home.
For the bedroom, choose a clock that is silent and has soft colors, a colorful model with an extravagant structure is recommended more for your kitchen or children's bedroom. In the living room, or in the living area, opt for a particular and refined design.
Place and hang the wall clock correctly.
Based on the size of the room where the wall clock is placed, it is recommended to hang the clock away from other furnishing accessories, such as paintings. At eye level, it allows to see the indicated time easily but, if the watch is very large, it is better to hang it higher than it should be, to be able to see it from all angles, even from a distance.
It is recommended to use a wall stud or an anchor with screw or nail, for greater resistance to shocks or vibrations.
Are a music lover?
If your passion is music and you can't live without it, check out our treble clef line. An original way to mark the hours of your day, highlighting your love for music!
Our catalog offers a wide choice of wall clocks and more.
Check our range here